Of course, once you’ve managed to get yourself into
an endeavour such as we have, you tend to discuss it a fair bit. Mostly because
you need to, after all, driving to Mongolia isn’t quite like your average trip
to the shops.
This also leads to other people finding out about what you intend
to do and in the circles we mix in, ie. drunken football ones, this usually
means most of the chatter we encounter gleefully revolves about how horribly we’re going
to be killed to death.
However, this fails to put him off and later in the
evening, no doubt shortly after his beer intake has finally removed any semblance of
common sense from his being, he asks if we’re looking for another team member.
Chalmers, as he’s known to his friends, is probably
perfect Mongol Rally material. Firstly, there’s his mechanical knowledge
relating to automotive vehicles, or in this case, his almost total lack of it.
Although to be fair to him he does at least know how to change a tyre, which
makes him more use than Gareth with his geography degree.
As well as adding to the staggering lack of
mechanical nous that we already possess, Paul has a shocking history with cars.
In fact, come to mention it, I’ve also got a shocking history with
Paul’s cars, having been present at the precise moment three of his last four
motors expired.
Now we’d not considered a third person previously.
Mainly as we simply didn’t think anyone else we knew would be that up for it.
But after having a short think about his less than sober application to join
our as yet un-named team, we welcome him aboard. And promptly introduce him to
the initiation all new members of insert-name-of-team-here must suffer. Get the bloody drinks in.
Suffice to say Paul passes initiation and by the end of that
evening, we’ve sent him on his way with a mission to go and check out Google
maps thoroughly, just to see exactly what he’s just drunkenly got himself into.
With a team now fully assembled, thoughts naturally
turn to what we should name ourselves. Again, we receive many suggestions from
other close friends, mostly revolving around the use of words such as “stupid”
and “twats”.
All are politely declined or for the more persistent ones, told where to stick it,
depending on mood and level of inebriation and we set about trying to think of
something ourselves. Something cheesy. And initially, after much head hurtingly
hard thought the best we can come up with is “One Steppe Beyond”. Personally I
quite like it, but neither Gareth or Paul are convinced despite my argument
that it comes with a ready made team anthem thanks to the Madness track. Still,
it's accepted as an “it’ll do for now” and makes its way onto the Adventurists
site for our initial registration when Gareth takes care of our 600 quid entry fee.
Again though, as with many issues, it’s a night in
the pub after football with our old mate beer that provides the breakthrough.
Several friends are grilling us on exactly how we’ll deal with certain
situations thrown at us. And of course, we’re failing miserably to provide any
really adequate answers in every case. If this were some sort of assessment of
our mental health, we’d already be on our way to the local institution without
passing go and almost certainly without collecting two hundred pounds.
With the inquisition soon dissolving into mass
laughter, I wipe a tear of mirth from my eye and go to take a much needed pull
on my pint.
“Fucking hell, this can only end badly” I mutter.
Gareth looks at me and nods. “Hey, I like that!”
Really? It’s ok I s’pose. And it seems Paul doesn’t
see anything wrong with it either. However I’m on a roll now……
“It’s good. But it needs a shit pun to really top it
off” the old brain is really ticking now and powered by Youngs Bitter, it’s
full steam ahead.
“Hmmmm. Can. That sounds a bit like…Khan! That’s it.
This KHAN only end badly!”
Gareth screws his face up. And having explained it
to him, which you have to do with quite a lot of things where he’s concerned,
he still doesn’t seem that convinced.
The final word it seems though goes to another
friend, Nick the Greek.
“It’s fucking shit.”
Despite this scathing critique and the lack of
anything remotely resembling an alternative from my two team mates, we
eventually all agree that we will indeed by partaking under the moniker ‘This
Khan Only End Badly’.
Let’s just hope it doesn’t eh?
Right, so I guess a car would be useful about now??
Right, so I guess a car would be useful about now??
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